The World Student Service Fund is an American organization dedicated to "rebuilding the lives and restoring the opportunities of students everywhere."
During the past three years Harvard undergraduates have sent food, books, and clothing to students abroad. However, this year, by special WSSF request all funds gained in the current drive will go to aid the Universities of Pakistan, and Bombay.
Due to relocation of population during the recent partition of India, refugee students are short on housing and medical care. This condition curtails their ability to pay basic educational expenses.
Ease Tension
In Pakistan alone there are three universities with more than a hundred colleges affiliated to them. Tension exists between the native and huge refugee student populations. WSSF is attempting to ease the present crisis by providing a student program and adopting concrete relief projects.
In Bombay WSSF funds go toward establishing student hostels in which the refugee students may live while attending the universities. Because of the expenses these refugees had to bear during migration and resettlement, many require financial aid to be able to afford even the barest necessities of existence.
Books, Scholarships, Instruction
For each hostel a student library with basic text books and general works must be installed. Financial support in the way of scholarships is also offered: and the refugees are taught handicrafts so that they may have a feeling of independence and security through part-time employment.
After aid to refugee students comes relief for non-chartered universities. Many student clinics were damaged during communal rioting; WSSF is attempting to rebuild and restock them through funds raised in such drives as the present Council campaign.
Two years ago WSSF conducted a charities drive of its own in the College, and netted approximately $18,000. Last year it was one of the charities entered in the combined campaign.
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