A new student drama society, the Acting Class, made its debut yesterday with a performance of short scenes from Molnar, Shaw, and Wilder. The group, an off-shoot of the Dramatic Club, presented the episodes in the Fogg Large Room.
Begun this fall, the Acting Class provides experience and coaching for aspiring actors and actresses. Though not a part of the Dramatic Club, it receives money from the larger organization in order to put on its programs.
Membership is not limited to candidates for the Dramatic Club, although most of the performers either belong or hope to belong to that body.
Mrs. Caroline M. Samoiloff directs the class, which meets once a week and thrice weekly when it is rehearsing. Anyone from Harvard or Radcliffe who is willing to pay the 75 cent fee for each meeting he attends, can join the Acting Class.
First Play
The first selection presented yesterday was from George Bernard Shaw's "Androcles and the Lion." Sherman C. Hawkins '51 took the title part of a kind-hearted Christian of Roman times who removes a thorn from the foot of a lion. Phyllis Courtney of Boston University played his wife, and Richard B. England '53, was the lion.
In a short scene from Ferene Molnar's drama about a carousel operator, "Lilliem," Hawkins again had the titel role. Stanley A. Zemon '52 took the part of his accomplice. Wayland W. Boswer '53, William J. Burns '53, and England also had parts.
Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" was performed last. The parts of the young lovers, Emily and George, were taken by Rence Michelson '53 and Burns. England played the Stage Manager and Lois Abrams of BU and Louise Luechm '53 acted minor roles.
Acting classes are also run by the Brattle Theater which apprentices pupils to the casts of its bi-monthly productions.
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