
'New Witness' Is Claimed in Feeney Probe

Wallach Gains Additional Time To Present Case; Is Unsure 'Surprise Witness' Will Talk

A new witness, as yet unidentified, may soon take over the fight against the teaching practices of Father Leonard Feeney, Richard W. Wallach '49 announced last night.

After a conversation with Daniel Shay, investigating agent for the Commonwealth Board of Collegiate Authority, Wallach stated that he had obtained an extension of time for the rearrangement of his complaint against Feeney, in which the new witness will play a leading part.

Still a Question

Wallach admitted that there was still a question whether this witness "who is undergoing grave struggles of conscience" will definitely come forward, but added, "He may be persuaded to play the part of the complainant himself, with my position changed to that of a corroborating witness and counsel on the complaint."

Wallach has been attempting to prove, for the past two weeks, that St. Benedict's Center, headed by Father Feeney, has no right to GI Bill funds. According to the State Department of Education, an educational institution must meet four criteria for certification. Wallach claims that St. Benedict's fails in one of these--the criterion of academic fitness of its teaching staff.


Refuses to Name

While refusing as yet to identify his new witness, Wallach emphasized his admiration for the person's "intellectual courage," in considering a challenge of Father Feeney, whom Wallach called, in a prepared statement, "a man of great, if misdirected, ability, whom many once rightly considered worthy of attention and respect."
