
Faulty Count In '50 Voting Is Discovered

New Tabulations Show Curwen To Be Tenth Man on Class Committee; Carter Defeated

Faulty vote counting in the 1950 Permanent Class Committee election was discovered last night when a recount held in the Student Council office revealed that William L. Curwen '50 is actually on the committee, and Albert B. Carter '50 is number 13 in competition for the 12-man group.

A recount taken last night at the request of defeated candidate John H. Carnahan, who finished 14th, showed that the election committee had made errors in tabulating the results Wednesday night, when Carter was declared elected and Curwen was put in the 13th spot.

The recount also turned up six ballots which were invalid because they had 13 names on them, one more than the legal maximum.

Revised List

Members of the Committee as it now stands, followed by the number of votes they received, are: Howard E. Houston, 388; Frank S. Jones, 227; Jonathan M. Spivak, 221; William L. Henry, 211; Wilbur M. Davis, 202; C. Max Kortepeter, 195; Robert Claflin, 193; Edward F. Burke, 184; David M. Abbot, 155; Curwen, 154; Amory Houghton, Jr., 153; and Charles R. Brynteson, 153. Carter had 151.


The Council election committee for this election was headed by Council members William S. Tyson '51 and Donald M. Bornstein '50. Members of it are F. Martin Bowne '51 (chairman), Joel E. Gordon '52, Andrew A. Hunter '51, Christopher R. Knauth '51, Theodore C. Nelson '52, and John K. Rabenold '51.
