
David Announces Business School Scholarships Awards

The second annual offering of scholarships under the nation-wide Regional Scholarships program of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration was announced last night by Dean Donald K. David.

Providing $50,000 in awards to a maximum of 55 men entering the school in September, the Regional Scholarships program is designed to insure "that well-qualified students without sufficient financial resources will be able to continue to their education in the graduate field of business administration."

Dean David explained: "The Graduate School of Business Administration has always prided itself on keeping its doors open to men from all economic levels and from all parts of the country. If the School is to carry business responsibility, this policy must continue."

Under the Regional Scholarship program, the actual amount of the award to each scholar will depend directly on individual financial need. Selection of men to receive the scholarship will be made on a basis of aptitude for business training, without regard to financial used. In extreme cases, the scholarship may cover the entire cost of a man's training for business administration.

Applicants should write to the Committee on Scholarships. Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. Soldiers Field, Boston 63, Massachusetts for application forms and detailed information. The deadlines for applications will be April 1, 1950.
