

At the Colonial

If ever Katherine Hepburn had the perfect medium for her ability, she had it Monday night in Shakespeare's "As You Like It." The play is full of witty yet wise side remarks that need her kittenish sophistication; she, in turn, is at her best in the vaporous atmosphere, the half-fantasy world of Arden Forest. The combination--Shakespeare and Hepburn--is nearly unbeatable for producing an evening's enjoyment.

Throughout the show it's always hard to remember there's anyone onstage except the leading lady. She charms you in the pink hoop skirts and ruffled lace of the lady in court; she practically seduces you in the bodkin and tights of the forester; and, then, in the chaste white of her wedding gowns, she melts you. Elizabeth Bergner, in the movie, was flighty enough for the forest scenes; but Hepburn was even more light-footed and still human too. Bergner was a haughty Rosalind; Hepburn just seemed to be in love.

Behind Hepburn, of course, there was an excellent show. James Bailey's scenery put both the playwright and the actress in their proper context; the depth of the forest sets managed to keep the plots separate and yet synchronized. Bill Owen was a magnificent Touchstone and Ernest Thesiger was equally good as Jaques, the banished duke's attendant. Thesiger delivered the "All the world's a stage" lines with a forcefulness that, for a moment, eclipsed even Hepburn. William Prince as Orlando seemed somewhat less polished than the rest of the cast. The opening dialogue of the play, between him and Adam, the old servant, was too emotional for a beginning, but even Prince improved as the play progressed.

In everything except Olivier's Orlando, the movie suffers in comparison to this performance. The songs, the incidental music, the short by-plots--like Touchstone's love-making--all add the necessary rustic flavor that make the play so English. The two shepherd boys who are so deeply in love are really giddy, and thereby funny in the play; in the movie, they merely filled in the loose strings at the end of the main plots. The movie missed, too, on the character of Jaques. The uncommon melancholy which Thesiger puts into his part set up perfectly the profound lines that come later; in the movie, Jaques was just another member of the banished duke's sylvan court.

As in most of Shakespeare's plays, you keep forgetting that the lines were written over 300 years ago. Touchstone's bawdiness, Rosalind's asides, plus a fine collection of the master's puns, maintain an atmosphere of wit that is as modern--and far more humorous--than Milton Berle. Some of Hepburn's lines had more punch than the ones she had in "The Philadelphia Story."


If you like either Katherine Hepburn or Shakespeare, don't miss "As You Like It." If you've never tested them before, try them in this show and you'll come away convinced.
