
50 Chooses Class Committee Today


M. Abbot: Freshman Hockey, Varsity Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse, Eliot House Committee. 1950 Junior Class Committee.

William L. Alden: House Football and Swimming, Leverett House committee, founder and first president, Director. 49, Co-producer of "A of the Times," H.Y.R.C.

W. Baker, Jr.: P.B.H., Band, H.Y.R.C and Squash.

Richard Hobear: Executive Committee of the Union Dramatic Society, House Country, H.Y.R.C., Treasurer of Winthrop House Committee, Chairman, Winthrop House Election Committee, Winthrop House Dance Committee.

Donald L. Bornstein: Student Council, Mass Affairs Committee, Ex-officio member Student Council, N.S.A. Delegate, Chairman Boston Area Purchase Card System of N.S.A., Chmn. of Winthrop House Combined Charities Drive, Ames Freshman Redbook Board, Chas. Smith Scholarship.

Charles R. Brynteson: National Scholar, Student Council, Freshman, J.V., House Basketball.

Edward F. Burke: President of the Student Council, Treasurer of the Debate Council P.B.H., Speakers and Entertainment Committee, P.B.H. Cabinet, Co-Chairman of the Harvard Committee for the Report, Alternate Delegate of U.S.A., Executive Committee of Salzburg Seminar.

K. Burrows: Freshman Debate Council Freshman Tennis, Glee Club, and Medical Society, Social Relations Society Band, H.Y.R.C., House Softball.

James R. Carman: 150 lb. Crew, House New Winthrop House Committee, House Committee Chmn., House D. P. Committee Inter-House Dance Committee Football Ushering Section Head.

H. Carnahan: Student Council Freshman Affairs Committee, D. P. Project, Ames Award, P.B.H.

Robert B. Carter: Freshman and JV Football Freshman and Varsity Crew, House athletic Jr. Class Committee, Student Council Combined Charities Drive, U.S.A., Purchase Card Salesman, Harvard Workshop, Hasty Pudding Theoretical.

Robert Claflin: Chmn. Winthrop House Committee Vice-President of Crimson by Society, Jr. Class Committee, Lacrosse Varsity Wrestling, Undergraduate Athletic Committee.

Daniel A. Cronin: Treas. of Jr. Class Committee Harvard Catholic Club, Crimson by Society, Dudley House Committee, Mass Affairs Committee, Elections Committee 150 lb. Crew.

William L. Curwen: Chmn. Winthrop House Committee, Student Council, Chmn. International Activities Committee, Varsity Crew.

Wilbur M. Davis: Varsity Football, Varsity-Lacrosse Wrestling, P.B.H., Parapsychology Club.


B. Denton, Jr.: No activities.

Charles W. Detjen: Chmn. of Redbook Investigating Committee, secretary of Class, Advisers for Class Committee, Admn. of Business Board of Redbooks, Crimson Key Society, Assistant Track Manager for Freshmen, Member of Committee for organizing Charity Drive, Sodality.

Federick B. Edwards: Manager Cross country and Track, Executive Board of Crimson Key Society, Secretary of Undergraduate Athletic Council, Treasurer IVY Films.

George J. Feenoy: Chmn. of Combined activities Drive, Editor-in-Chief of "314."

Crosby Forbes: Adams House Committee Treasurer, Founder and Chmn. of Film House Food Committee.

Donald C. Freeman: Freshman Swimming Art Editor of Yearbook Publications Office, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Athletics.

Robert F. Fuller: Chmn., Harvard N.S.A. Committee on Education, Harvard Glee Club.

Gavin: Secretary of House Committee Chmn. of House Committee, Prize, House Captain of Combined Activities Drive, Administrative Secretary of the Salzburg Seminar, American Committee.

Robert P. Gleason: Publicity Director of Salzburg Seminar, Crimson, P.B.H., Social Science Committee.

M. Goodloe, Jr.: Chmn. of N.S.A. Chmn. Committee for of D. P. Students, Junior Usher.

H. Hall: Class Pres. University of Council Election Committee, delegate, P.B.H., Track.

E. Halverson: Band, Pre-Medical Treasurer, House Cross Country, Freshman Union Committee, House Dance Committee.

Druce Harriman: President of Crimson Key Society, Chairman. Kirkland House Committee, Chmn. of Sub-committee for Houses to review Student Council Activities.

Thomas W. Harrington: Freshman Lacrosse, JV. Lacrosse, Yacht Club, Jr. Usher.

William L. Henry: Varsity Club, Varsity Football, Varsity Basketball, Undergraduate Athletic Council, Dunster House Athletic Secretary, Nominating Committee. Hugh P. Herinann: 150 lb. Crew, Senior single sculls, Adams House Committee, Chmn. of Jr. Class Committee, Outing Club.

Charles T. Hease: House Football, Ski Club, Winthrop House Committee, House Election Committee, Jr. Usher.

Herbert H. Hicks: P.B.H., Photographic Society, Pre-Medical Society, Bell Weevil Club.

Robert S. Hirschfield: Chmn. of Boston Intergroup Conference, Co-Chmn. Interfaith Council, Harvard Hillel Foundation Council Chmn., Debate Council, House athletics.

Thomas K. Holmquest: Harvard Radio Network, Business Staff, Crime Box, Eliot House Dance Committee, House Christmas Plays, P.B.H. Ticket Agency, Ivy Films, Senior Editor of Yearbook Publications.

Frederic D. Houghteling: Student Council, Delegate to N.S.A., N.S.A. Regional Treasurer and National Executive Secretary-elect, Liberal Union president, S.D.A. National Board, Student Federalists Nat'l Board Debate Council, Democratic Club, American Veterans' Committee.

Amory Houghton, Jr.: Student Council, Eliot House Committee, Polo Team.

Howard E. Houston: Captain of Varsity Football, Varsity Wrestling, Athletic Council, Varsity Club, Francis H. Burr Scholarship.

Godfrey G. Howard: Debate Council, Chmn., U.N. Council, Hockey.

Stephen W. Howe: Varsity Hockey, Varsity Basketball.

Morton D. Hull: Varsity Swimming, P.B.H., Freshman Jubilee Committee. Winthrop House Committee, N.S.A. Election Committee.

Jay E. Janson: President of H.Y.R.C., Republican Open Forum, U.N. Council, Harvard Committee for the Hoover Report. Frank S. Jones: Manager of Football, P.B.H. Social Service Committee.

James B. Kenary: Varsity Football, Varsity Baseball, House Basketball, Freshman Football.

Richard W. Kimball: Chmn, 1950 Jubilee Committee. Student Council, Freshman Affairs Committee, Jr. Usher, Coop Director.

W. Garwood Kleinhen: Freshman Cross Country, Varsity Cross Country, House Cross Country, Pre-Medical Society, House Dance Committee, Lowell House Opera.

Allen E. Kline: N.S.A. delegate, Chmn. of N.S.A. Purchase Card Committee, P.B.H., Varsity Rifle Team, Outing Club. C. Max Kortepeter: Secretary of Lowell House Committee.

Juan U. Maegil: Freshman Soccer and Swimming, House Squash and Swimming, House Committee, Chmn., Crimson Key Society, House Opera manager, Houpse Dance Committee.

Orlando D. Martino: Combined Charities Drive, Kirkland House Committee, P.B.H. clothing drive, blood drive, French Club, Circolo Italiano.

Robert L. Matters: J. V. Football, Glee Club, House Committee Co-chairman, President of Harvard Art Association, Crimson Key, Nominating Committee for Class of 1950.

Patrick B. McCormick: Secretary of Student Council, Kirkland House Committee, Varsity Track Crimson Key Society, Varsity Club, Freshman Basketball.

Al Michel: Social Service Worker, P.B.H., President of the Catholic Club.

Timothy C. Murphy, Jr.: Varsity Swimming manager, Treasurer of the Catholic Club, House Committee, Glee Club.

Thomas H. O'Shea: Vice-president of the Catholic Club, House Football, Harvard Chemical Society.

David Poskanzer: Harvard Education Committee, Student Council, N.S.A. Delegate, P.B.H.

William A. Prior: Varsity Basketball, Varsity Track, Jr. Usher.

Walter Raushenbush: House Committee Treasurer, Co-Chmn. of the Committee on the Student Council, Delegate to the West Point Conference on U.S. Officers, Phi Beta Kappa, House athletics.

M. Frank Reid, Jr.: Chmn. of Leverett Charities Drive, House Committee, Chairman of Appleton Club.

Lyoll Ritchie: House football and baseball, Editor of "Deacon's Testament," Committee on the Student Council, House Elections Committee, Nominating Committee.

Albert F. Ruby, Jr.: Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Varsity Club, Track Team, Varsity and House Cross Country, Touch Football, Kirkland House Play.

Raphael D. Silver: Chmn. House Committee, Varsity Track, House Football. Student Council Committee on Education, Report on Harvard Education, Combined, Charities Drive, Editor of Lowell House Chronicle, P.B.H.

John G. Simon: P.B.H. Publicity Chmn., President of the CRIMSON.

Thomas C. Simons: Freshman Cross Country, P.B.H. Social Service Committee, Advertising Manager, Business Manager of the CRIMSON, Chmn. of House Dance Committee, Battalion Commander of N.R.O.T.C.

Jonathan M. Spivak: Secretary of House Committee, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Track, Class Committee.

Robert J. Stern: Regional Chmn. of N.S.A., Student Council Committees, Editorial Board of 1950 Redbook, Tennis Squad, House athletics.

Alan A. Stone: Freshman Football, Freshman Track, Varsity Football, Secretary of Kirkland House Committee, House Basketball.

Dale W. Wickham: Manager of Glee Club, Outing Club, P.B.H., Crimson Key Executive Committee.

Dominique H. Wyant: Treasurer of House Committee, House Dance Committee, Student Council, P.B.H. Social Service Committee.
