
Top ROTC Cadets Receive Awards

Harvard Stadium echoed with marching feet and drill commands for the first time since the Army game yesterday, when awards were made to outstanding members of the College ROTC units.

The occasion was the annual presentation of awards to "distinguished military students" of the Air Force and Field Artillery Corps. The awards are given, according to Major Kingston, to men who have displayed "outstanding qualities of military leadership, good moral character, and high academic standing."

Before more than 100 members of the two officers' training corps units, medals were awarded by Dean Bender to: Air Force--Cadet Lt. Col. Donald T. Fox, Jr. '51, Cadet Captain Gerald K. Vogel '50, Cadet First Lieut. Howard D. Allen '50. Cadet First Lieut. Francis A. Lavelle '50, and Cadet First Lieut Roger B. Salomon '50; Field Artillery--Cadet Major Charles R. Heller '50, Cadet Major Leland L. Fellows '51, Cadet Captain Horace L. Bowman '50, and Cadet First Lieut, Arthur M. Clarke, Jr. '51.
