
Finch, Leontief, Kluckhohn Speak In Adams' Salzburg Seminar Forum

The College will receive a full report on the activities of the Salzburg Seminar at 7:30 p.m. tonight, when the Adams House Forum presents a discussion of the Seminar's activities under the topic of "American in Europe," in the Adams Upper Common Room.

The forum, the first in the Adams House fall series, will be moderated by Wassily Leontief, professor of Economics. Professor John Finch of Dartmouth and Dr. Florence R. Kluckhon, lecturer in Sociology here, will speak.

Finch, executive director of the Seminar, will discuss the aims and accomplishments of the program. His talk will be supplemented by colored moving pictures taken at the Seminar last summer. He is a professor of American Literature at Dartmouth, currently on leave of absence.

Dr. Kluckhohn, who lectured on the American Family at the Seminar, will claborate on Finch's talk.

Leontief lectured on American Economic Theory at the 1947 and 1948 Seminar.
