"Lamont has definitely started a new trend among American college libraries," Philip J. McNiff, Head Librarian of Lamont, reported yesterday.
"Scores of visitors," McNiff said, "have come here from other universities to study the facilities. Almost all of them have been greatly impressed by the utility of our plant."
McNiff expects that within a few years colleges all over the country will take up the ideas started in Lamont.
He added that officials of the University of San Francisco had abandoned the plans they had completed for their new library after seeing Lamont. Their new plans, McNiff said, will be strongly influenced by the College library.
The University, the librarian commented, is not trying to limit the use of ideas originated in Lamont. The architects have willingly supplied a great deal of technical information to outsiders.
McNiff reported that a great deal of interest has been shown in the "collection of basic books" used in Lamont. Other colleges are also studying the simplified method of cataloguing conceived for the College library.
"Even the furniture," McNiff said, "which was specially designed for Lamont, will probably be copied elsewhere."
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