Jaakko's harried harriers face almost certain defeat again today at 3:45 p.m. at Franklin Field in their annual triangular meet with Princeton and Yale.
Yale, who boat Dartmouth decisively last week, boasts an almost unbeatable triad of Johnson, Mearns and Eflinger It was Eflinger who ran the 4:18 Wanamaker mile two years ago, placing third behind Dodds. Leeming and Gregory can take fourth and fifth at best.
Last year, the varsity was completely submerged by both teams, while the freshmen split, defeating Yale, but losing to Princeton.
The prospects of victory are even dimmer this year, with both freshman and varsity squads vying for bottom on the rank-list. Losses included meets with Tufts, Holy Cross, Rhode Island State, Rhode Island, and Dartmouth.
Last week the freshmen lost at Andover and the varsity lost to the University of Massachusetts, leaving the victory over Holy Cross as the only flaw in an otherwise perfect season.
Today the varsity, running 4.2 miles, will include: Dave Gregory, Joe Leeming, John Pankey, Hank Everett, Dick White, Al Master, Dave Cairns, Thayer Scudder, Clarke Coggeshall, Ron Berman, and Steve Sharp.
The freshman team will consist of: Paul Judy, Arlen Adams, John Kimball, Jim Little, Goody Cooke, Tom Edwards, Guido Perers, Chuck Boit, Bill Blumenthal, Mat Scanlan, Bob Swaney, and John De Botynkops. The freshmen will run 3.2 miles.
The varsity will go to New York next week for the Heptagonals.
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