
Rivals in Hazen's Bias Case Called To FEPC Meeting

Chao-chu Chi '52, Thomas L. Roberts '50, and John M. Whouley, contestants in a case of alleged discriminatory employment policy at Hazen's Restaurant have been summoned to an informal hearing tomorrow at the office of the Fair Employment Practices Commissioner, Elwood S. McKenney '38, Walter H. Nolan, FEPC fact finder said yesterday.

The hearing will attempt to straighten out three significant conflicts in the testimony given thus far in the discrimination case.

Three Conflicts in Testimony

1) Roberts maintains that James MacFarland, manager of Hazen's told him a job was open from 12 p.m. to 2 a.m., hours during which Hazen's is closed. MacFarland denies having said this.

2) MacFarland claims Roberts applied for the vacancy at Hazen's during the noon rush hour when MacFarland could not interview Roberts. Roberts says he inquired about the Hazen's job during the afternoon.


3) Chi claims that Whouley, proprietor of Hazen's, asked him about his work experience in general. Chi says he replied that he had worked in the Lowell House Dining Hall in 1948-49. Whouley maintains he asked Chi if he had any counter experience and that Chi replied no.
