
'Cliffe Defends Female Sloppiness

Loose Clothes, Loose Morals?

Radcliffe girls hastened to defend both their honor and their clothing last night when notified that "sloppy clothes indicate loose morals." This statement was made yesterday by Stanley E. Crowe, dean of students at Michigan State College.

One Moors Hall freshman termed Dean Crowe's statement "preposterous!" She admitted, however, that she "had never dressed so messily in all my life before coming to Radcliffe," but aware that "my morals are the same as they were." She allowed that she had purchased her fist pair of sneakers yesterday, but was afraid that "they would look too sloppy any place but at Radcliffe."

Another girl, when contacted at Gilman House last night termed Crowe's statements "a filthy lie." According to this informant, who has recently moved from New York to Chicago, "clothing has nothing to do with morals. Environment is the key to morals," she protested, "not clothes. We're never tempted here at Radcliffe."
