Phillips Brooks House will sponsor a combined Glee Club and Orchestra concert for the people it helps and deals with around Boston in the Rindge Tech Auditorium on Friday, December 16, John C. Pittengor '51, co-Chairman of the Brooks House Social Service Committee announced last night.
The concert, for which no admission is charged, is intended to give people from the Brooks House community centers and other projects a chance to hear "good" music first hand and to come in closer contact with the University, Pittenger said.
The program is as yet unplanned, but last year pieces ranging from Palestrina to Gilbert and Sullivan were performed.
In addition to the rehearsed entertainment, the audience will have a chance to participate in Christmas carol singing. Malcolm H. Holmes '28, who leads the orchestra, has made it a habit in the past to give three children from the audience a chance to try their hands at conducting.
Brooks House inaugurated the concert three years ago, when it planned a program mainly for the young children in its community centers. This year, however, the audience will be composed mostly of members of community language groups, mothers' clubs and other adult groups. A Boy Scout contigent has also been invited.
Although the admission is free, the program is by invitation, so tickets will be distributed by Phillips, Brooks House representatives to the local groups. A good many groups not actually included in the Brooks House program will also be invited.
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