
Deacons Win Cross Country

Kirkland ran away with the annual House cross-country contest yesterday afternoon at Soldiers Field. Out of an unusually large field of 65 entries, the Deacons took three out of the first five positions, including first, in scoring a low-point total of 40.

Winthrop was a distant second with 75 points and Leverett took third with a 112 count. They were followed by Dunster with 114. Dudley with 119, Adams with 124, and Lowell with 126. Eliot was last with 206.

Winner Walt Linaweaver got away to a fast start and was never headed over the one-and-eight-tenth mile route that stretched completely around the inside of Soldiers Field and finished by circling the freshman track. In second position was Harvey Thayer of Winthrop and David Best of Dunster took third.

Straus North Wins

The freshman intramural race, also held yesterday, was won by Straus North will Al Enright of Straus placing first. The scores and order of finish for the Yardlings were: Straus North 26, Hollis 39, Matthews 44. Thayer North 71, Lionel 78, Stoughton 95, Weld North 101, and Thayer South 109.
