
Yale Dances Will Take Visitors in Limited Numbers

Yale has invited Harvard men to its residence college dances Saturday night--but only in limited numbers.

Eli Associate Dean Louis Havemeyer yesterday told the Student Council that "stringent fire laws" ruled out a blanket invitation, but that Harvard students can definitely find a dance in New Haven Saturday if they want one.

Residence colleges with no Harvard affiliation will admit a limited number of Harvard men, and the nine fraternity dances are open to anyone, Havemeyer said.

Several of the Yale colleges have welcomed their affiliated Harvard houses to Saturday night dances. Here's how things stand now:

Eliot House students have been invited to the dance at Jonathan Edwards College.


Leverett House men have been invited to the dance at Timothy Dwight College.

Winthrop House has 50 tickets that Puritans may buy to the Davenport College dance.

Kirkland House football team has been invited to the dance at Calhoun College.

Lowell House is selling residents tickets to Pierson and Trumbull College dances.

Adams House football players are invited to a Friday night informal dance at Saybrook College.

Dunster House football players have been invited to the dance at Berkeley College.
