
Richmond Chosen for '53 Football Manager

Richard A. Richmond '53 was awarded football numerals an freshman manager on Sunday night, after a three hour conference between sophomore and senior managers. This made him the winner of the fall competition.

This competition was termed "excellent and extremely close." For the last half of the season, the competitors were placed completely in charge of the junior varsity practice field.

Next spring an entirely new competition will be held for the 1950 sophomore managerships.

Richmond will manage the team when it meets Yale at New Haven on Friday. This will place him in the managerial hierarchy. Final House Football   W  L  T Eliot  7  0  0 Adams  5  2  0 Leverett  4  2  1 Winthrop  3  2  2 Dudley  3  3  1 Kirkland  3  3  1 Lowell  2  4  1 Dunster  0  7  0
