
Careless Love Smudges on Crimson Laundry Reveal Lurid Shirt Tales

Lipstick stains on clean white shirts may annoy students, but they are welcomed by local laundries. The cleaning establishments report that the girls well serve the cleaning profession.

According to Tom and Jim's Mt. Auburn Street Laundry, seven out of every ten shirts that come in have lipstick traces. While the averages varied, all cleaners agreed the lipstick percentages were notably higher during the fall and winter season, especially after dances. "Guess the boys go all out when they get dressed up, said John B. Iacoucel, owner of the cleaning establishment at 34 Dunster Street.

Cleaners found that cleaning fluids generally remedy besmirched shirts. Imported brands are a different matter and need extra treatment. In such cases C. T. Chin, launderer, resorts to salts of lemon and sorrol.

Freshmen, Sophomores Messy

Three Brothers' Cleansers says it's the shirt lapels that suffer during the summer months, the shoulders during the winter. "Most of the mess comes from freshmen and sophomores," they added.


Sam Sing Launderers claimed, however, faculty members brought in as many tell-tale shirts as students.

The graduate body remained relatively untouched. Gold Coast cleaners reported a low percentage of lipstick stains from the business school. "I guess the boys know how to take care of themselves by that time," the owner said.
