
Widener May Revise Plant, Director Says

Committee Investigates Many Improvement Plans Before Asking University Approval

Widener Library may undergo extensive modernizing alterations in the near future, Keyes D. Metcalf, Director of the University Library, announced yesterday.

Moving the charging desk and stack entrance from the second to the first floor, merging the Union and Public Catalogues, and improving lighting and elevators are among possible changes. Such alterations would "improve the service and increase the efficiency of Widener," Metcalf stated.

Metcalf is heading a group that is now sifting a large number of suggested improvements for Widener. Both the Faculty Library Committee and the library staff must approve any ideas before they are submitted for University approval.

Plan of Action

Metcalf could not say whether any of the specific changes mentioned above would be accepted, but he announced that a report outlining the "best and most practical suggestions" would be released at the end of January.


The University printed a large number of suggestions on changes to Widener in its Library Bulletin last January. These ideas were circulated extensively among University faculty members, but Metcalf said the January report offered "too many alternatives" to lead to a final decision.
