
School for Young Lawyers Starts on Two Day Session

A discussion of "Legal Philosophy" by Lon Fuller, Carter Professor of Jurisprudence, will open tonight the two-day session of the second annual School for Young Lawyers, presented by the Law School Forum.

Over 1,000 men from Cambridge and neighboring areas are expected to attend the programs, which feature such men as Senator Leverett Saltonstall '14 and Harold J. Gallagher '17, president of the American Bar Association.

Further Information on the School for Young Lawyers appears on page four.

Saltonstall will speak at 8 p.m. tonight in the Langdell Court Room on the "Lawyer in Politics," while Gallagher will close the program at 8 p.m. tomorrow with a talk in the New Lecture Hall on "Your Debt to Your Profession."

Most of the sessions at the School will be seminars, conducted by members of leading New England and New York law firms.
