
"Jap" Wrong Word


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Permit us to call attention to an article in the CRIMSON of October 26. In using the term "Jap" to describe the Buddhist Abbot who inspected Harvard on the 25th of this month, you have undoubtedly offended him and other Japanese, who may have read the article. This term is not used by the Japanese, who consider it opprobrious, nor by the U. S. Army of Occupation, except in code designations such as JAP OC, where it is clearly an abbreviation.

Instances such as the CRIMSON's use of the term may easily be pointed out as examples of a "Western Superiority" attitude by non-Caucasian peoples. We feel that a newspaper organization which represents Harvard should be sufficiently discerning to prevent such unfortunate, although unintentional, references from appearing in its articles. Chae Chu Chi '52   James Bouzoukis '52   William Vasquez '52
