
Tufts Wins Cross-Country Trouncing Varsity, 21-34

Max Schoeffler and Dick O'Connell, Tufts' one-two punch in cross-country, lived up to their reputation by placing first and second yesterday afternoon as Harvard dropped its first meet, 21-34.

In a confusing second event, a hapless and inexperienced freshman squad galloped around the wrong trails, finally coming up with 41 points to Tufts' 17. The mixup on the trails occurred when flag markers for the varsity course were followed by more than half of the Crimson and Tufts freshmen. Although the distance was then too long for a true freshman course, comparative times determined the scoring.

Dave Gregory, last year's freshman captain, led the Crimson scoring. Crossing the finish line after O'Connell, Gregory beat out Dick Everett, number four in the race and number two for Harvard.

Joe Leeming, Harvard captain, did not race. In practice late last week he cut his foot on a piece of glass, and the wound had not healed sufficiently yesterday.

In negotiating the Franklin Park jungle, Schoeffler consumed only 22.40 minutes, better than par for the course.


The freshman squad, although composed mainly of men who have never before competed in cross-country, managed to bunch three finishers after the first four Tufts harriers. First to finish for the Crimson was Goodwin Clark, one of its few veteran runners.
