
Band, Biggest Ever, Plays at Today's Game

The largest band in Harvard's history will enter the Stadium this afternoon eight minutes before game time for its Soldiers Field debut. Outnumbering even the record breaking group of undergraduates and alumni that played at last year's Yale contest, the 150-piece band will produce both a pre-game and half-time drill.

March Through Square

At 12 noon the musicians will leave Memorial Hall for the field, marching through the Square on their way to drill rehearsal, Band president Paul B. Finney '50 announced last night. This schedule will hold throughout the season, Finney added.

Specially arranged medleys, written by Leroy Anderson '29 and John A. Finnegan '47 will continue to be a basic part of half-time presentations this year. At today's game, however, there will be more than the usual amount of drill because Cornell's band is not coming to Cambridge this season.

The impossibility of handling more than 150 men in Stadium drills was the main limiting factor in the Band's size this year. Over 110 freshmen competed for positions, but only 38 could be accepted, Finney stated.
