Mrs. Margaret Cole, distinguished British author, lecturer, and authority on the Fabian Society and the Labor party, will speak on "The Role of Fabianism in British Social History" at 8:30 p.m. Monday night, October 10, in the Cabot Hall Living Room by request of Miss Helen Maud Cam Zemurray-Stone Radcliffe Professor of History.
Mrs. Cole, author of such books as "The New Economic Revolution" and "Education for Democracy," has also written more than thirty detective stories. At present she is on a lecture tour throughout the United States.
The meeting, held under the joint auspices of Radcliffe and the Harvard Economics Department, introduces a series of talks and forums at Radcliffe similar to the programs of Harvard Houses. Miss Mary Churchill Small, Dean of Residence, is in charge of lining up programs and speakers for quad activities.
Economics majors will act as ushers for the talk, which will be open to members of the University and Radcliffe.
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