
Hofer Plans Experiments At Gold Coast

Philip Hofer '21, acting housemaster of Adams House, said last night that his tenure, though only temporary, will "not become a period of stagnation and coasting."

Hofer is substituting for David M. Little '17, who is away on a combined sabatical leave and wedding trip to Honolulu.

Hofer regards the period between now and February as "a time for experiments, without prejudice to the regular master, who may accept them or reject them as he sees fit. I will try to promote, among other things, a greater interest in house athletics and a closer relationship between the tutors and staff of Adams House and the students."

Hofer at present is curator of Printing and the Graphic Arts in the College Library, a lecturer in Fine Arts and a member of the Board of Freshman advisors.

Since his undergraduate years, he has combined a career in the business and administrative world with academic positions. From the time of his graduation in 1912 until 1928, he was first in the coal business and later worked for an investment concern.


In 1929, he received a master's degree at Harvard, and joined the staff of the New York Public Library. Nine years later he came to Harvard as a member of the College Library executive staff.

During the war Hofer assisted Donald K. David of the Business School.

He is an active member of the board of trustees of various schools, including Smith and Groton, in which his son is enrolled. Mrs. Hofer, his wife, will assist at social functions in Adams House.
