
Civic Work Bears Fruit (Asphalt), Society Envisions More Good Deeds

The five-hour work of the Leverett House Civic Improvement Society was buried yesterday under a cubic yard of asphalt blacktop, but the Society is happy about the whole thing.

Cambridge workmen arrived on upper Plympton Street at 4 p.m. yesterday and laid a sidewalk over the 12-foot quagmire that the student Society has been fighting since Monday to improve. In doing so, the workers completely covered the dirt-and-stone sidewalk that the students themselves felt forced to build on Monday.

"We're glad they did it," William Y. H. Mason '51, spokesman for the group, said last night. "When we built our sidewalk we asked the City of Cambridge 'Can you top this?' They've topped it now, and that's what we wanted."

With its first big job finished, the Society last night announced plans to continue its public service whenever the need arose. "Our big job in the winter will be to clear snow from Plympton Street and other congested reads," Mason said. He also hinted at plans to rent a rowboat and ferry pedestrians from Cambridge to Boston near the site of the closed Harvard Bridge.
