
Improvements on Sidewalk Halted

Three members of the Leverett House Civic Improvement Society watched in agony yesterday as Cambridge workmen did dirt to their first big project.

On Monday the students--Thomas O. Nevison '51, Donald W. Ireland '52, and William V. H. Mason '51--altruistically built a thick gravel sidewalk over the swampland of upper Plympton Street, in front of the Harvard Auto Company.

Yesterday afternoon the City of Cambridge sent four men in a truck to tear down the temporary sidewalk and spread the gravel. Said the workmen: "It's dangerous. It's a menace."

Slosh Through Slush

Faced with another year of sloshing through mud ooze and runwater, the Society phoned the Cambridge Public Works Department and issued a formal complaint. Commissioner William R. McMenimen replied that he would look at the 12-foot strip this morning and decide whether to cover it with a stone-dust fill.


"If its a small job," the Commissioner said, "I'll tend to it myself.
