The Council will question Athletic Director William J. Bingham '16 about the higher price of this year's football ticket book, it was decided last night.
This talk with Bingham might lead to a complete study of the HAA.
Thomas A. Unverferth '51, newly elected co-chairman of the Council Student Welfare committee, agreed to confer with Bingham after Richard M. Sandler '52 and Robert J. Stern '50 suggested the raised cost of game attendance as a possible subject for investigation by his committee.
Season Tickets Cheap
"Anybody in Boston can get a season football ticket for the name price as a Harvard students," commented Stern. He then suggested that the game admission price might be raised for outsiders and alumni so that undergraduates might obtain tickets more cheaply.
Other business at the council's second meeting of the year included the announcement of committee heads for the coming year and selection of a council business manager.
Heads of the 1949-50 council committees will: Broward Craig '50, education; William L. Curwen '50, international activities; William D. Mulhelland. Jr. '50 and Richard M. Sandler '52, extra curricular activities: Unverferth and Albert B. Carter, Jr. '50 student welfare; Chase N. Peterson '53, freshman affairs; William S. Tyson '51, class affair; Henry M.Silveira Jr.'51, personnel; Richard T. Button '52, public relations; and Charles R. Brynteson '50, council constitution survey.
A new committee post was formed with the selection of David c. Poskanzer '50 as counsel for committee heads.
Elected business manager on the motion of Treasurer Roy M. Goodman '51, Anthony H. Kuklin '50 will act as a central purchasing coordinator for all Council committees
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