
12 Here from Reich to View American Life

Experts will Study Democratic Methods Under U.S. Military Government Sponsored Plan

Twelve German men and women began a year's study at the Graduate School of Public Administration last week, under the auspices of the U.S. military government in Germany.

These students are part of an AMG program to give experts in various fields constructive ideas on the operations of a democracy. they are all trained professionals.

The Harvard group includes two architects, two lawyers, four journalists, an economist, a teacher, a social worker, and a civil service worker. Their ages run from 24 to 30.

Take Any Courses

In the coming year, they will live with local residents and take any courses in the University they want. Typical of their aim in these studies was Herbert Kundler's remark that he wanted to see how a government can rule by good will or "must people be governed by discipline and fear."


Early reactions to America varied from pleasure at the well-ordered traffic to amazement on the ease with which women in this country combine a family with a career. There were mixed opinions among the visitors on the laxity in child training here.
