
Teamwork Is Key To Yard Eleven's Win Over Indians

The freshman football team was a team for the first time this season on Saturday, as it outfought Dartmouth for a 21 to 19 win.

This on the unimpeachable word of Henry Lamar, who had watched his men falter through two opening losses and a win over a weak Exeter squad without ever seeming to be working together.

The Yardlings got over this customary freshman problem in convincing fashion Saturday. Lamar admitted that backs Pete Dillingham, Jerry Blitz (two touchdowns), and John Ederer (one score, and linemen Hank Toopke and Arnie Horween, (both filling in on short notice for Bob Stargle, left behind in Stillman), had played good games.

No Stars

But he made the traditional claim of the coach whose team had won a hard close game, that there were no stars, just a team. He praised downfield blocking, always a good sign of team play, and cited the fact that the last winning score came on fourth down, after a penalty had almost halted the drive.


"It was a hard clean game all the way," said Lamar, "it was a question of which team broke; we didn't."

The freshmen get a welcome layoff this week before ending up the season against tough Brown and Yale squads.
