
Crimson Opens competition For Three Boards Tonight

Competitions for the CRIMSON'S news, business, and photographic boards begin tonight at 7:30 p.m. All sophomores and juniors interested in joining the newspaper's staff will be welcomed at 14. Plympton Street.

Cartoonists are also sought.

Plentiful supplies of beer and Coke will be on hand for all comers. Those who turn out will be introduced to The CRIMSON'S organization and held about the eight to ton week grind that leads to becoming a CRIMSON EDITOR.

Competition periods, which begin tonight, are regarded as training courses for the various boards. No previous experience is required.

News board work will provide candidates with the knowledge of how to write news and cover college events including sports. The photographic board comp will reach its members the ins and outs of news photography.


competitions for freshmen will be held after the Yale game to give them time to familiarize themselves with the College.
