
Annex Sets Song Fest Date

Dorm students and commuters will tune up at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 8 for Radcliffe's annual song contest, Betty Bagby '52, contest chairman, announced last night.

Officials set the early date, Miss Bagby said, in order to have the Harvard Band on hand for the affair. A new angle to the festivities this year, she added, will be costumes required for all members of the song groups.

Tentative judges for the contest will be Miss Mary C. Small, Dean of Residence, William F. Russell, acting director of the Radcliffe Choral Society, and Mildred Blacklock '50, president of the Choral Society.

Free coffee and doughnuts will be doled out to the band, Miss Bagby said. The girls, however, must purchase theirs at refreshment stands set up for the occasion.
