
Annex Ekes Out Hockey Win Over Pembroke, 2 to 1

It was a dramatic moment for Radcliffe's field hockey squad yesterday afternoon when center halfback Kitty Coolidge steamed up the Quad, scored for the home team, and knocked down Pembroke 2 to 1 to give the Annex its first victory of the season.

The play came in the last few minutes of the tightly fought contest. Both teams expected a pass when Miss Coolidge charged through the forward line to drive a neatly placed shot past the unsuspecting goalie.

At the end of the first 15 minute half the game was tied one-all. Pembroke had scored the initial tally. Mary Brandt, left wing for the Annex, evened it up in the last two minutes of the half. Except for some dangerous and messy bunching up, the game was clean fought and fast.

In tennis, the girls from Providence took the laurels home with them, after a close 2 to 1 contest on the courts. Pembroke won both singles matches but dropped the double. Darkness prevented the final doubles match from being played.
