
Spencer Lecture Fund Has $5,600 Of $10,000 Goal

Over 50 percent of the goal of the Theodore Spencer Memorial Fund has already been subscribed, Reverend Frederic B. Kellogg announced last night, and "the money is still coming in."

This report, the first public statement by the fund chairman since last spring, stated that about $5,600 of the original $10,000 goal has already been received through letter solicitation and through the benefit performance of "The Tempest" last May by the Harvard Theater Workshop.

First Lecturer Slated

Although the fund is still short of its goal, Reverend Kellogg reported that the committee has decided to bring its first lecturer to the College sometime this winter.

The late Professor Spencer was Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory and taught advanced composition and Shakespeare at Harvard until his death last January.


The committee in charge of the Memorial Fund is headed by Reverend Kellogg, chaplain to Episcopal Students and Rector of Christ Church. Other members of the committee are Professor I. A. Richards, F. O. Matthlessen, and Perry G. E. Miller, Associate Professor Harry T. Levin, and Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick.

Kellogg has no definite plans for securing the balance of the money needed to reach the original goal. Although he has not requested additional funds by letter recently, the committee still welcomes spontaneous contributions.
