
JV Football Team Plays Green Here

Ben McCabe's jayvee eleven, in search if its first win in two starts, takes on the vanguard of the Dartmouth football forces this afternoon at 2 p.m. a Soldiers Field.

Although the jayvees lost only one man through injury in the Army game last Saturday--center Dave Waring--they have lost three more during the week. Ends Art Rohn and Pete Leavitt and fullback Dunc Mauran, all first stringers, have been moved up to the varsity.

Without Mauran, the Crimson offense will be weakened considerably and the loss of Rohn and Leavitt will be felt on defense. Tom Ossman will start at fullback and will probably have to go both ways with Mauran out. ALex Sergienko and Al Sawyer will be the offensive ends, George Emmons and Dino Rodis the defensive.

The lineup:

Sergienko or Emmons, le; Shaw, lt; Gordon or Hanson, lg; Balzer, c; Kadorabek, rg; Miller, rt; Sawyer or Rodis, re; Edmonds, qb; Burke, lh; Wylie, rh; Ossman, fb.
