
Frankfurter Will Speak at Reunion Of '24 Law Men

Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter speaks "off the record" tonight in the Hotel Continental at the 25th Reunion Banquet of the Law School Class of 1924.

Justice Frankfurter graduated from the Law School in 1906. After a brief careor as United States Attorney, he returned to the Law School in 1914 as a professor and remained until President Roosevelt appointed him to the Supreme Court in 1939.

Landis, Sullivan Talk

Other speakers at the dinner will be James M. Landis '24 Law, former Dean of the Law School, John L. Sullivan '24 Law, former Navy Secretary, and Judge Calvert Magruder. Walter B. Leach '21, professor of Law, will be the toastmaster.

Tomorrow morning the reunion class will take a tour of the Law School prior to a buffet luncheon at the Continental. The reunion committee has also acquired a block of seats at the Dartmouth game.
