
Noonan, Henry, Shafer Pace Eleven on Offense

Taliback Jim Noonan, who won't see action against Dartmouth here Saturday, is pacing the Crimson offense after four games with a total of 287 yards, all but 15 of them gained through the air. Noonan was Harvard's leading ground-gainer last year with 492 yards.

Against Stanford, Columbia, Cornell, and Army, Noonan took to the air 32 times and completed 15 passes for 272 yards. Bill Henry has completed 12 out of 24 passes for 132 yards. As a runner, Noonan has carried the ball 27 times and picked up 15 yards for an average of 6 of a yard per try. His overall average is 4.8 yards. Henry also has a 4.8 average and is second to Noonan in total yards gained with 140.

In the rushing department fullback Paul Shafer has been Coach Art Valpey's most consistent runner, carrying the ball 46 times for 138 yards, or three yards a try. Bill Healey, third string wingback behind Hal Moffie and Johnny White, has the highest average on the squad. He has taken the ball only three times and picked up 21 yards.

Of the two men who have handled all the punting assignments so far, Chick Roche has the better average. He has booted 21 times for 823 yards and a 39.2 record. Carroll Lowenstein, who took over the kicking chores when Roche was injured on the opening kickoff against Army, kicked six times last Saturday and came out with a 33.6 average.

Bottenfield Has Long Interception


On punt returns, Roche is tops with 87 yards. Stretch Mazzone, an end who blocked a punt in the Columbia game, gathered it up and moved the ball 43 yards from the line of scrimmage, is second in that department. Noonan has returned seven kickoffs for 121 yards and White six for 108. Carl Bottenfield boasts Harvard's only interception. He snared a Columbia pass and ran it back 39 yards.

The team's rushing percentage (it has moved the ball 315 yards in 168 attempts) is l.9 yards but the passing average (34 completions out of 80 passes thrown) brings the Crimson's offensive mark up to 3.6 yards a down. Individual Player Statistics   Pts  Rushing Allempls  Yds.  Avg.  Allempls  Passing Comp.  Intdrcepted  Yds.  Td.  Attempls  Total Offense Yds.  Aug. Athans, wb  0  7  8  1.1  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  0  7  8  1.1 Bottenfield, fb.  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0 Healey, wb  0  3  21  7  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3  21  7 Henry, qb  12  5  8  1.6  24  12  1  132  0  5  60  0  29  140  4.8 Hyde, e  0  0  0  --  0  0  0  0  0  4  40  0  0  0  -- Lowenstein, tb  0  5  1  0.2  11  4  1  31  0  1  2  0  16  32  2 Mazzone, e  0  0  0  --  0  0  0  0  0  1  10  0  0  0  -- Noonan, tb  0  27  15  0.6  32  15  4  272  1  1  13  0  59  287  4.8 Ravrehy, e  0  0  0  --  0  0  0  0  0  7  103  0  0  0  -- Rocbe, tb  6  24  -32  -1.3  12  3  2  51  0  2  16  0  36  19  .5 Shafer, fb  0  46  138  3  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  47  138  2.9 Walsh, qb  5  0  0  --  0  0  0  0  0  1  9  0  0  0  -- West, fb  0  26  81  3.1  0  0  0  0  0  4  52  0  26  81  3.1 White, wb  12  24  75  3.1  0  0  0  0  0  7  180  1  24  75  3.1 TOTALS  35  168  315  1.9  80  34  8  486  1  34  486  1  248  801  3.6 Punts  Reiurns
