
Moffie Takes Part in Short varsity Scrimmage

Valpey Times Players at New Positions and Brushes Up Running.

There was a large fire under the stadium stands yesterday (the grounds-keepers were cleaning it up for the Dartmouth game this Saturday) and a smaller one in the adjacent Soldiers Field practice enclosure (the football team was preparing for name).

By way of loosening up, the varsity followed trainer Jimmy Cox through another calisthenics session, its second of the week. Then the coaches got down to more serious business--they sent the Crimson offense through jayvee-manned dummies, had the freshmen test the varsity defense, and set the jayvee defense against the varsity offense in a semi-live, slick whistle, scrimmage.

Sixth of an Hour

Each man saw about ten minutes' work during the series of scrimmages which were devoted to timing men at the positions. Hal Moffie, for instance, turned to contact duty for the first the since his first period Stanford in the three weeks ago. Sam Butler, who in sat out the last two games, Jerry winter a Cornell casualty, Art Connelly, and Don Kaplan, bumped up against Henry were working again, although hitler did not scrimmage. Like Moffie, he must perfect his timing in order to be ready for Dartmouth.

Bolster Switches


With Jim Noonan definitely unavailable this week, Art Valpey shifted Phil Bolstor to tailback to cover for the loss. Sister, originally a tailback, was switching to wingback last year and is now a back again. Carroll Lowenstein ran in that position in the first string back-field yesterday along with Bill Henry, Paul Shafer, and Moffie.

The offensive drill emphasized running plays, giving Moffie a chance to get back into condition. The line included Pete Coyne and Duke Sedgwick at the guard positions and Al Wilson at strong side tackle. Coyne and Sedgwick were filling in for Howis Houston, still stiff and kept out of action, and John Coan, not yet fully recovered from his Cornell bruises. Wilson, a converted end, replaced Chief bender, who ran with the second offensive line and maybe used mainly on defense Saturday. Stretch mazzone alternated with Fred Harvey at right end and will probably be sound enough to face the Indians.

It was a tired squad that trooped into the field house after a large number of wind sprints. Ends, quarterbacks, and fullbacks went in early, ;but they were pretty well tuckered out too. By then, the Stadium fire was out, the one on the field was still glowing.
