
Only Two Grid Casualties Sidelined

Moffie, Coan, Guidera Return While Noonan, Bottenfield Still Out

A very stiff varsity football squad worked out its numerous bumps and bruisen in a light loosening-up practice yesterday afternoon. The session marked the first time since pre-season training that the coaches have resorted to calisthenics.

Actually, the squad is not as badly off as it seemed at the end of Saturday's debacle. Of the 18 injuries inflicted by the Army bully-boys, only Jimmy Noonan and Carl Bottenfield will definitely not play against Dartmouth.

Rest Work Out

The rest of those damaged all worked out yesterday, showing varying degrees of stiffness as they ran cautiously through dummy scrimmage. It is too early to tell how many will be in shape for Saturday, but a first estimate indicates that a fairly high percentage will play.

Hal Moffie ran from his regular wingback post for the first time since Stanford yesterday as the offensive unit brushed up on timing against the Jayvees. Coach Valpey predicted he would be ready this week "if he gets back in condition in time."


Freshmen Play Dartmouth

The freshmen ran through Dartmouth plays for close to an hour for the benefit of the defensive squad. Recently-recruited jayvees Jack Carmen, Pete Leavitt, Gordy Stensrud, and Heine Dunker all worked in the line with this group, while Dune Mauran appeared on offense for the first time.

Dick Guidera and Joan Coan, both recent casualties, also returned to limited action yesterday and may be ready to go. The delicate condition of the squad induced one more change in the defensive set-up, as Valpey moved Al Wilson from his old job at end and tried him out at defensive tackle.
