
Crimson Jayvees Suffer 46-0 Loss To Cadet Eleven

In the process of pummeling the Harvard jayvees, 46 to 0, yesterday morning on Soldiers Field, Army's spirited junior varsity football team scored seven times and had four more touchdowns nullified for various infractions of the rules.

Ben McCabe's doughty squad experienced the same fate its big brothers were to suffer a few hours later. The locals held their own for the first quarter before Army's weight, depth, speed, and harder-hitting attack began to tell. It was the Crimson's first game; the Cadets had already beaten Fort Bragg and the Brown jayvees.

Mauran Injured

Dunc Mauran, a stocky, driving full-back, was Harvard's only consistent ground-gainer and when he left the game in the third period with a bleeding mouth, the losers' only real offensive threat disappeared. Mauran was removed to Stillman and the extent of his injury could not be determined last night.

In the second quarter, two Harvard fumbles inside the Crimson 40-yard line set up Army's first two touchdowns. Eddie Boyle sprinted 17 yards for the first and Willie Ross bucked over from the three for the second. Then, with four minutes left in the half, Bill Richardson went over his own right side, cut to the sidelines, and dashed 70 yards to a TD. Grayson Tate, who had converted his first two attempts, missed.


There was more of the same in the second half. Army scored twice on short bucks through center, once on a quarter-back sneak from the 2, and once on a pass covering 40 yards.
