
Cadets Debate on 'Molding Citizens'

"Yes, we operate completely on the honor system at West Point--and any deviation from it means immediate dismissal," said Cadet George F. Flisides last night in a forum on "Objectives and Methods of Education at West Point and Harvard."

The Winthrop House talk resolved into a discussion as to which institution has a more satisfactory method of turning out better citizens. Cadet Robert G. Gard admitted, "We have no electives at West Point--we're aiming toward a single definite goal--soldier and citizen." There is a 60-40 ratio of scientific to cultural subjects in the Military Academy today, added Cadet Joseph B. Love.

This only proved, as far as Harvard debaters K. Bruce Friedman '50, William C. Becker '51, and Robert W. Kratz '51, were concerned, that "The individual is suited to the course at West Point, while at Harvard the course is suited to the individual."
