
'Dabbler' Society Forms at Annex

Radcliffe's amateur artists cleaned their brushes this week and organized a society of "Dablers." The 22 part-time painters will apply for an Annex student government charter at this Monday's Council meeting.

Polly Seliger Egelson '51 claims she got the idea for the group while day-dreaming on her way to class earlier in the term. She had no trouble finding the requisite number of dabblers in the arts to band together into a chartered organization.

Practice Emphasized

"The club is definitely not for professionals but for amateurs who lack either the workshop or the inclination which companionship will encourage," Mrs. Egelson said.

Placing the emphasis on practicing art, the group plans to go on excursions for inspiration, to model for each other, and to hold an exhibit of its creations in the spring. The "Dabblers" may also sponsor lectures on the world of art and join art appreciation and museum associations.


A constitution for the new club has been drawn up and the first organizational meeting will be held sometime the week after next.
