
All Grad Students May Gain Draft Deferment

WASHINGTON, Jan. 5--Deferment of all graduate students in the nation has been recommended by a special Selective Service committee, the CRIMSON learned tonight.

Reports of the committee's decision were confirmed following verification yesterday of the deferment policy for undergraduates.

Neither the graduate nor the undergraduate policy have been announced yet by Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, Selective Service director, or by President Truman, both of whom must approve the committee's report. However, Col. Irving Hart, publicity director for the draft, predicted last month that whatever plan the committee urged would be accepted by Gen. Hershey.

(Col. Hart told the CRIMSON tonight that he has no official word of the report's contents. However, it was ascertained elsewhere that the committee has definitely finished its work on the deferment plan.)

College Figures Changed


The committee would now defer graduate students in all fields until the completion of all studies, at which time they would again be subject to a draft call.

Unofficial announcement of the plan for all college students was revised tonight. The upper half of the freshman class would be deferred as sophomores, as reported yesterday, but the top two thirds, instead of one third, of the sophomore class would be deferred in the junior year, and three quarters they would again be subject to a call.
