
Riviera Camp Offers Jobs...

A summer on the French Riviera. That's what one Harvard-Radcliffe group offers students who want July and August jobs as camp councillors.

The Camp des Alpes-Maritimes, Inc., now in its second year, is looking for five persons to care for poor and undernourished French children during vacation. For this summer the group will all but adopt 120 children in order to restore their health.

Last year the camp was associated with the American Unitarian Association.

"Merely proper rest, fresh air, and healthy food is what these children need," Henry S. Williams '49, the camp's founder, said last night. French social agencies have already furnished the site, and the food and equipment will come from America.

The councillors must meet two basic requirements: ability to speak French and to pay expenses to Europe. The work will be voluntary. However, the camp will provide board and lodgings and opportunities for sightseeing.
