
WHRV Gets New Turntables As Part of Expansion Plan

WHRV acquired two new record turntables worth $300 each, yesterday. The purchase of the turntables is part of an expansion in broadcasting facilities now taking place at the network headquarters.

Network maintenance men said they expected far higher quality in transcriptions from their new record players. The old ones will be rebuilt for use in afternoon disc jockey sessions which WHRV hopes to initiate soon. The network has also added new amplifying equipment and microphones to get greater efficiency out of their transmitters.

Bill Raney, network technical director, is supervising the expansion project which began early this term. Thus far maintenance men have built a now exit for their stock land repair rooms to make more room for repair work.

Repair Crews

Radio repair crows are at present working on now lines in Eliot, Kirkland, Winthrop, and Adams B entry so that they can improve the somewhat spotty reception these places have been getting.


"There doesn't seem to be any immediate finish in sight to the current renovations," Ben Minnech stated while laboring on the new equipment last night.
