
Scholarships For Business School Ready

$50,000 to Be Awarded On Regional Basis

$50,000 in scholarships will be awarded annually by the Business School to a maximum of 55 men on the basis of a new regional scholarship program which will begin this September, Dean Donald K. David has announced.

The aim of the plan in to insure "that well-qualified students without sufficient financial resources will be able to continue their education in the field of business administration."

Sliding Scale

Size of the awards to each scholar will depend directly on financial need. However, the selection of men to receive the scholarships will be made on the basis of aptitude for business training. In cases of great need the scholarships may cover the entire cost of a man's training for business administration. Awards are made on a yearly basis, subject to renewal if the student maintains a satisfactory record.

The following number of scholarships are awarded in each region of the country: five scholarships in the far western area; five for the mid-Atlantic region; fifteen for the midwestern area; five for the mountain states; five for New England; five for the Pacific area; ten for the south; and five for the southwestern area.


Applicants for scholarships should write to the Committee on Scholarships Harvard University Graduate Schools of Business Administration, Morgan Hall.
