
Unbeaten '52 Hockey Team Has Five Wins

Lining Them Up

The Committee on Admissions was extremely generous to hockey coach Stan Priddy this year. Among the 1,325 new students admitted this year, there were two excellent forward lines and some capable defense men.

One of the most successful '52 teams, the hockey squad has recorded five wins and one tie in six starts. This is an outstanding record, since jammed schedules at the Arena curtailed practice time and two of the squad's best players, Dusty Burke and Rip Lynch, were on the sick list.

The freshmen have so far eliminated Newton, Melrose, and Andover. But Arlington was harder to put aside, and the Brown game was the toughest victory. Only Wellesley managed to tie the Crimson.

"If there aren't any more injuries, Priddy said, we have a good chance of coming out undefeated."

Next term the schedule will present really severe competition. But the key players will be back form Stillman. Captain Dusty Burke, whose broken collar bone is mending, will put on his uniform in a few weeks, while wingman Lynch has already been cleared by the Hygiene Department.


The starting lineup will probably read: Bill Timpson at center, flanked by left wing Fred Koch and by Lynch on the right.

This combination, Priddy says, works smoothly together and keeps the puck in the attack zone. Lately its weak right side has been worrying him.

Koch, who comes from Minnesota--a source of good hockey players-- is the squad's high scorer. The records credit him with eight goals and four assists. The freshmen's fastest skater, Timpson has shot four goals and helped with seven more. Lynch, an Andover man, plays an aggressive game and strengthens the line with his good passing.

The Crimson's second line comes practically intact form Noble and Greenough, a local prep school. Second highest scorers, Morgan Hatch and Nat Harris, former Eastern Massachusetts prep school champions, played together for three years at school. With Jack Snelling, last year's St. Mark's hockey captain, they naturally form a capable line. Their fast skating and high scoring won the Arlington and Melrose games.

Coach Priddy also has good defense men. when Burke cracked his collar bone defense man Bill Bliss joined Jack Donelan, a former New England All Scholastic from Maiden Catholic High, to patrol the Harvard defense zone. Under the temporary change Wykoff dropped back to form a second due with Greg Koillglan, another St. Mark's boy.
