
Andover Hockey Team Falls Before Undefeated Freshmen

Coach Stan Priddy's undefeated freshman hockey team outskated Andover to win, 6 to 2, Wednesday afternoon at the Arena, for their fifth victory.

Paced by left wingman Fred Koch, the freshmen had no trouble stopping the inexperienced Phillipians, but neither squad showed brilliant hockey form.

Weary after their Monday and Tuesday encounters, the freshmen rarely played like an undefeated team. At the same time the Blue, handicapped by lack of practice and absence of ice at home, just couldn't set up a strong offense.

Priddy's experiments with his first line apparently paid off, since the first linesmen Timpson, Koch, and Nichols accounted for four of the six Harvard goals. Second stringers Harris, Hatch, and Snelling raised the total to six.

The Blue was a potentially good team in need of practice. Andover wingmen Osgood and Thompson were the top men, each sinking one puck apiece. But without an experienced team behind them their offense was limited to occasional rushes into Crimson territory.


Fred Koch started the first period with a sudden score at 0:45. Both teams spent the next 20 minutes just rushing up and down the ice. In the next period Andover's Osgood tied the game at 0:50 with another unexpected shot.

Then the Crimson rallied. At 1:29 Fred Koch shot in number two, and nine minutes later Jack Snelling pulled Harvard ahead with another tally.

The freshmen pulled together in the third period and completely outplayed the tired Blue. Bill Timpson sank number four at 1:59 and Andover's Thompson managed to shoot in a second Blue puck at 4:40. Then the Crimson scored two more to finish Andover.
