
Freshman Five Bowls Over Uneven Tabor Squad, 63-40

What happens when a well trained, fairly experienced college freshman team meets a green prep school team was clearly illustrated in the Indoor Athletic Building yesterday afternoon as the freshman basketball squad completely subdued Tabor Academy 63-40.

Coach Lloyd Harper's men operated smoothly, efficiently, and effectively, but the game was no feather in their cap. Tabor just wasn't competition; its defense was as weak as punch at a Radcliffe mixer. The Crimson succeeded in pulling out the Tabor guards time and again, went around them and scored.

As in the Tufts game last week, Bill Borah and Gerry Murphy started at the forwards, Jim Downey and Captain Bill Hickey were at the guards, and John Stevenson was at center. Before the game ended no less than 14 Harvard players saw action.

Switzer High Scorer

Al Switzer, whom Harper is using more and more as an alternate for six foot three center John Stevenson was high scorer for the Crimson yesterday with 12 points. Gerry Murphy, who played a polished game, followed closely with 11. Tabor drew what compensation they could out of the fact that their left forward, Morgan, piled up the most individual points, 17.


The summary:   G  F  P Borah, lf  3  1  7 Mangle  0  0  0 Barry  1  0  2 Murphy, rf  5  1  11 Turovetz  2  0  4 Ryan  0  0  0 Stevenson, c  4  1  9 Switzer  6  0  12 Downey, rg  2  2  6 Redman  0  1  1 Raphael  0  0  0 Hickey, lg  4  1  9 Garlick  1  0  2 Totals  28  7  63
