
G.O.P. Senator to Head Alumni at June Ceremonies

Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. '24, United States Senator from Massachusetts, will lead the alumni as Chief Marshal in the June 23 Commencement ceremonies, the Alumni Association announced last night.

The Class of 1924 nominated Lodge for the office in line with the tradition of selecting the Chief Marshal from the 25th anniversary class. The directors of the Alumni Association made the final decision.

As Marshal, Lodge will take charge of the 25th Reunion of his class and will head the organization of the annual meeting of the Alumni Association. He and Harrison Tweed '07, president of the Association, will be jointly responsible for all alumni functions during Commencement weekend.

Lodge is the second successive prominent Massachusetts Republican in a year to fill the office. Last year the Class of 1923 named as Chief Marshal Robert F. Bradford '23, at that time governor of the state.

A member of the Board of Overseers of the University from 1939 to 1945, Lodge is in his third Senate term.
